- Troy Elementary School
- Welcome
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Kelly Roberts
Hello, my name is Kelly Roberts and I graduated from Troy State University. I am married to Lin Roberts and we have two boys. Currently, this is my 29th year in Elementary Education.
Welcome Back to School
I am thrilled to have your child in my classroom this upcoming year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Kelly Roberts
566-1444 Ex. 3304
This week we are going to get to know each other and practice rules and procedures. Additionally, we are going to label supplies and start working into our weekly schedule.
There are several beginning of the year forms to complete. Please look for these forms in your child's "Royal Blue Home Folder”. Your child's "Home Folder" will be used to send home graded papers, completed classwork, and homework assignments. Place any notes or money envelopes inside your child’s folder. I will check folders daily. Additionally, this folder will be used to send home teacher and school memos.
I am eager to meet your child and I am looking forward to an amazing year as your child journeys through second grade.
Dr. Roberts
Mrs. Robert’s Second Grade 2019
August 19-23
Reading-“Exploring Space” (Long Vowels, Main Idea and Details). *Thurs. Test part 1 *Friday test part 2
Vocabulary-everywhere, live, machines, move, woman, work, world. *Friday test words
Grammar-Subjects *Test Thursday
Spelling-*Test Friday
- page
- space
- late
- race
- blaze
- nose
- vote
- huge
- size
- fine
- mice
- rice
- move
- live
Math- Enough for the Class?, Counting Patterns, Counting Strips, Collecting 25 cents, Counting Pockets. * Investigations Test Friday