- Troy Elementary School
- AR and Digital Books
Napper, Cathy
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Reading Options & Instructions for Accelerated Reader
There are a few options in locating books to read that your students have access to. The arbookfinder.com site is for you to locate the reading level and availability of AR Quiz. It is not the actual books. The following are digital options for books to read:
- Troy City Schools Digital Library: http://troy.lib.overdrive.com They will use their library number to login to Troy Elementary library on the computer. If you need this number, contact me by email kitchensb@troyschools.net
- You can also download the Sora App on your devices and use the library number to login. This is the same Overdrive books as mentioned above.
- Troy Elementary Abdo Digital Library: http://www.abdodigital.com/
Username: troy
Password: tes
- Newly shared from Renaissance, myOn Shared Account with over 6,000 books and News articles to read. https://www.myon.com/school/readathome
Log in Info:
- School Name: Read at Home
- Username: readnow
- Password: myon
**The majority of books do have an associated AR quiz to go with it; however, there are some that do not.
Instruction for AR quizzes:
Login to https://global-zone08.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/77758
Make sure you use this complete link to go into our school account.
If your child does not remember their username and password, they can contact their teacher or Ms. Kitchens @ kitchensb@troyschools.net
Username and password are case sensitive and must be ALL lowercase.