
    Hello Parents and Students:


    On behalf of the entire staff at Charles Henderson Middle School, I would like to welcome you to our school.  At Charles Henderson Middle, we are committed to the middle school philosophy which embraces the unique characteristics of middle school.  We will accomplish this through grade level teaming, teaching to various learning styles of our students, and providing all of our students with the opportunity to excel in academics, athletics, and fine arts.  The middle years can be a very exciting and challenging time for 7th and 8th grade students.

    At Charles Henderson Middle School, you will find a caring and supportive faculty and staff who pride themselves in successful student achievement.  We deeply believe in order to best attain a quality education; parents, students, and educational staff must work together.  It is our intent to continue to inspire enthusiasm, engage active participation, and encourage learning.

    If you have any questions or concerns about Charles Henderson Middle School, please e-mail me at browna@troyschools.net.

    GO TROJANS !!!!


    Aaron Brown III, Principal